Friday, June 10, 2011



By Nitin Gupta

It took them an year to act against Raja, 6 months to arrest Kalmadi and 1 day to arrest Ramdev!!

Irony is PM had TONS of Evidence to enforce arrests of RAJA and KALMADI and NONE against RAMDEV.

So Ramdev arrested for asking what UPA promised before the 2009 Elections.

Black Money back in India!!

And Ex Telecom Minister Dayanidhi Maran, 44 months after CBI gave its report about his wrong doings to DOT, is still out in the open, suing the messengers for Defamation!

Forget Arrest, MARAN hasn't even been asked to resign from the Govt. as yet!!

Pakistan PM Gilani (Who refuses to cooperate in 26/11 investigation) is welcomed with Garlands on Indo Pak Semi Finals and Citizens silently protesting for the country are being Lathi Charged. Why?

Because Election is still 3 years away!!

Election 3 mahine baad hota to Digvijay aur Kapil Sibal wahin Baba Ramdev ke saath Stage par dikhte! Aur wahi promise kar rahe hote jo

2009 mein kiya tha...

According to RAMDEV, "I was forced to give a letter of consent in the hotel during the meeting with govt representatives which said that I will call off my fast by June 6. ALL MY DEMANDS EXCEPT FOR BLACK MONEY WILL BE CONCEDED TO!."

He alleged that the govt conspired to get rid of him through an 'ENCOUNTER'


Welcome to the biggest DeMOCKERYcies in the world: INDIA


The total wealth of both Gandhis, as per their election returns, is just Rs 3.63 crore, and Sonia owns no Car!!!!

May be that's why Pranab Mukherjee is so scared of making the names of Swiss Bank Account holders public!

Following are a few compelling reasons why Congress would go out of the way (including arresting people who stage peaceful protests) to make sure BLACK MONEY never comes back...


In 1991, The effects of License Raj, reached a Flash Point.

India’s fiscal deficit was 8.5 percent of GDP. The country faced a huge “Balance of Payments” crisis.

and was heading towards a default, and the Reserve Bank refused additional credit.

India had to mortgage its gold deposits to raise money from IMF.

In other words, Indian Economy stared at Bankruptcy.

Foreign reserves barely amounted to $ 1 billion. (only worth one weeks of Import) At that time, RAJIV GANDHI HAD 2.2 BILLION DOLLARS IN THE SWISS BANK.


When the countries, foreign reserves were a mere 1 Billion Dollars!!!!

RAJIV GANDHI had more than twice the amount in his personal accounts!!!

RAJIV GANDHI was rightly given the BHARAT RATNA for dwarfing the country’s reserves.. .How many of us can do that ?

For he literally had more Ratna’s in a personal account than the entire nations Forex Reserves!

Who was the beneficiary of all that amount after Rajiv Gandhi’s Death?

Sonia Gandhi.

2. Gandhi Family benefited from the RUSSIAN SPY OUTFIT, KGB, says book

According to the archives of the Russian spy outfit KGB, Gandhi family has accepted political pay-offs from the KGB to fund their election campaigns in India, Infact they were regular recipients of KGB Money — a clear case of treason besides bribe.

SEE ANNEXURE 12: News Clipping from Times of India 27.6.92 and Hindu dt. July 4, 92 regarding receipt of payment by Rajiv Gandhi & family from KGB..

Dr. Yevgenia Albats, an acclaimed investigative journalist, appointed by then President Yeltsin to investigate KGB affairs, mentions in her book, The State with in the State : “A letter signed by Victor Chebrikov, then KGB Chief who stated : ‘‘The USSR KGB maintains contact with the SON of the Premier Minister Rajiv Gandhi (of India).

R Gandhi expresses deep gratitude for the benefits accruing to the Prime Minister’s family from the commercial dealings of the firm he controls in co-operation with the Soviet foreign trade organizations.

R Gandhi reports confidentially that a substantial portion of the funds obtained through this channel are used to support the party of R Gandhi’.”

Furthermore, In December 2005, KGB chief Victor Chebrikov had asked for authorisation from the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, “to make payments in US dollars to the family members of Rajiv Gandhi, namely Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi and Ms Paola Maino, mother of Sonia Gandhi.”

The spokesperson defended such financial payments as necessary in “Soviet ideological interest"

Part of the funds were used by the Maino family to fund loyal Congress party candidates in the General Elections.



The Maino family have had extensive business dealings with Saddam Hussein.

[See Annexure-18]


RAHUL GANDHI expenses and tuition fees, when he was at Harvard, was paid from that Cayman Island account.



Here is a curious account of Dr. Manmohan Singh's behavior....

November 2007, The PM, objected to the Raja Model of not auctioning Spectrum and asked him to be transparent.

Raja: “I am only going by the policy (of the previous government) in force”

January 3, 2008 ( a month later), The PM, quite intriguingly, just ‘acknowledged’ Raja’s letter — virtually giving a go-ahead to Raja.

October 28, 2009, When CBI raids Raja’s Office, He retorts, “why should I resign? I had done everything in consultation with the PM”.


Dr. Subramaniyam Swami writes to the PM highlighting the Fraud.

May 24, 2010, the PM admitted that Raja had told him that he was only following the policy laid down previously — virtually approving the fraud.

Dr. SWAMI writes again 5 times to the PM seeking sanction to prosecute A Raja (with sufficient prima facie evidence). NO REPLY!!!


Nov 2010: SC asks why the PM took 11 months to respond to a request by Subramaniam Swamy that asked for Telecom Minister A Raja to be prosecuted for the 2G scam.

The PM’s OBJECTION in November 2007 turned into NO OBJECTION in January 2008 and finally became his APPROVAL in May 2010.

Who made the PM do that is any body's guess..

Where did that money go?? Not to the Prime Minister Relief Fund, I suppose.

So Mr. Mukherjee whenever you dodge the question of bringing the Black Money back to India by saying, " We have to respect International Commitments!"


Furthermore, According to Subramaniyam Swamy : Sonia Gandhi ordered Home Minister P Chidambaram to act against Ramdev at 10.20 PM yesterday night. "Show that half naked Mendicant, who sbe is!"



1. Why did you reject Germany's open offer to give names?

In early 2008, Germany’s Intelligence bribed — bribed? Yes — an informant in LGT Bank in Liechtenstein and got a CD containing the names of some 1,500 tax dodgers, and raided half of them, who were its citizens. It also offered, free of cost, the names of citizens of other countries.

Many accepted the offer gratefully. NOT INDIA?

Why Mr. Mukherjee? Why did Indian Government not take the data when it was offered?????

Which International commitment would that have broken????

Instead you went on an signed a Tax Treaty with Germany which requires you not to disclose the names of the people.

Then you went and signed a pact with Swiss Bank in 2010, according to which, only the money which will be deposited post this treaty is signed can be gotten back..


If Swiss Govt. is ready to give information on future dealings, why not past dealings???

Also Information for the same can’t be shared with anyone, not with Enforcement Directorate, not even the Parliament.


2. Why was UBS (Leading Swiss Bank) given an INDIAN BANKING LICENSE?

RBI was against giving banking licenses to UBS. ( One of the top SWISS BANKS which holds Black Money) Because UBS bank had not helped track to track the alleged money laundering by Hasan Ali Khan, a controversial businessman best known in India for his stud farm in Pune.

Why was then the UBS granted a Banking License to operate in India in 2008?

Ironically enough, That was the first time since 2002-03 that RBI has issued a new licence to a FOREIGN BANK What a great PICK!!!

At one hand you say, SWISS BANKS don’t cooperate with us, at the other hand you grant the BIGGEST OFFENDER an Indian Banking License..

What is going on Mr. Mukherjee ?

Should we not read between the lines?

3: KINDLY EXPLAIN THE SHAMEFUL SILENCE AT G-20 When, in the G20 preparatory meeting at Berlin, Germany and France were threatening to blacklist Swiss and other secret tax shelters (US eventually got the list by filing a Law Suit against the same bank,

UBS) Indian representatives, Montek Singh Ahluwalia, along with Dr Rakesh Mohan, did not utter a word in support of Germany and France.

India, a principal victim of banking secrecy, should have been leading the war cry against it.

So much for the promise you made before 2009 Elections.

This is how you betray the Indian Public.


Sir, for reasons which are strikingly obvious. We understand why the BLACK MONEY would NEVER come back. Now that you have signed treaties with the SWISS GOVT. which have killed whatever hope India had... I have a small request Pranab Da, Next time when you are asked about why Black Money can't be brought back to India. Please don’t BULLSHIT us on National T.V with your answers like, " We have international commitments! We can't force a Sovereign Nation to give details..."

.... for one, it insults our Intelligence!

and two, It looks like an obvious case of KISS ASS! Or as they say in Congress, "ITALIAN KISS"

and I say that with all due disrespect to you Mr. Pranab Mukherjee!!

You are not worth the Chair you are sitting on...

Also when your Ministers hold SECRET MEETINGS with BABA RAMDEV, It only raises more Questions and Suspicions over your INTEGRITY AND INTENT!

ZERO TOLERANCE TO CORRUPTION OR ZERO CREDIBILITY SONIA G has been vocal about Zero Tolerance to Corruption, “elect us, we will investigate into black money, UPA is committed to Zero Tolerance for Corruption".

Really? Let's look at the track record !!

1. Russian Government was ready to give all the documents citing your families, KGB connections, provided CBI gets a Letter Rogatory for which an FIR is a prerequisite. Why was CBI not allowed to file that FIR ???

2. In June 2003, Interpol found that Quattrocchi ( BOFORS accused) and Maria had two accounts, bearing numbers 5A5151516L and 5A5151516M in the London branch of the Swiss bank BSI AG with Euros three million and $1 million.They were frozen on CBI’s request.

British courts later repeatedly turned down Quattrocchi’s several appeals to de-freeze the accounts.

But, on December 22, 2005, the Congress led UPA government U-turned. H R Bharadwaj (Now Infamous Karnatka Governor), the law minister, got the additional solicitor general of India, B Dutta, to go to London to do the dirty job of releasing the amounts.

Then in 2009, UPA government had shamelessly let Quattrocchi off the hook by removing his name from global red alert. Because of the red alert he was always in danger of being caught and sent to India.

Why did the BOFORS accused, Quattrocchi got away eventually due to lack of a case is anybody's guess...

Why would the Black Money never come back now is anybody's guess..


Ironically India's SARAH PALIN, Digvijay Singh had said couple of days ago, " If we were afraid of Baba Ramdev, We would have ARRESTED HIM!"

What is congress afraid of is any body's guess....



B.Tech, IIT Bombay

Monday, February 7, 2011

Virender Sehwag : The Merciless Nawab of Najafgarh

If there is one batsman today that most bowlers fear about, the name has to be Virender Sehwag. The super performer of the Indian cricket team is hard to stop when on a song and is well known for merciless hitting all over the cricketing pitch.

Born on 20 October 1978, Sehwag affectionately known as Viru, the Nawab of Najafgarh, is an aggressive right-handed opening batsman who has made a big name for himself in the world of test, one day international, and twenty-twenty cricket formats.

Be it a Test match, a One-Day International or a Twenty20 Bash, he is the spectators’ delight, a sixomaniac who skies the ball whether he is on 0 or 99. Also he has the twenty-twenty vision to see the ball a fraction earlier than most batsmen. He hardly moves his feet as he jumps out and a sixer climbs the sky. Then he drives the ball effortlessly straight or through the covers.

Sehwag arrived on the Test scene with a characteristic flourish. In his debut he batted at number 6 and scored 105 adding 222 runs with his hero Tendulkar for the fifth wicket after India was at 4-68. This was against South Africa in the Bloemfontein Test of November 2001. But soon he emerged as his own man. In the 2004 Multan Test against Pakistan, as Tendulkar played a supporting role, Sehwag romped to 309, the first triple century by an Indian. And he brought it up with a six. Two Tests and three months ago in Melbourne, for five hours he fascinated the Boxing Day crowd of 62,600 by belting five sixes and 25 fours in his spectacular 195 he had been dismissed trying the same stroke five runs short of what would have been his first Test double-hundred. At Multan, Sehwag thrashed six sixes and 39 fours in his epic 309 off 375 balls.

After being such a talented cricketer, why does he still has to prove himself every time? Players like Dravid, VVS and Sachin are included in the team no matter even if they are out of form and he is shown the exit doors the day he loses his form. He was dropped in the first two Tests against Australia in the controversial 2007-08 series in Australia. But Anil Kumble picked him in the next two and he scored 151 in the final Adelaide Test. Australian spectators love his unorthodox batting as much as they cheer the elegant stroke-play of Tendulkar, Dravid and VVS.

His highest score is 319 at a strike-rate of 105 against South Africa in the March 2008 Chennai Test. It included five sixes and 42 fours. He had hammered 257 runs in a day.

The star batsman became the only Indian to be honored as the Wisden Leading Cricketer in the World in April 2009 for his performance in 2008 and subsequently becoming the first player of any nationality to retain the award for 2009.

He is an idol for any person who wants to be successful, for that matter in any field of career. So, his presence in the team makes the joy both sweet and sour as he can be helpful but can be destructive also.

Virender Sehwag has many records to his name.
  • The prolific run-scorer is credited with the fastest triple century in the history of international cricket (reached 300 off only 278 balls) and the highest score made by an Indian in test cricket (319).
  • Sehwag also holds the record for the fastest 250 in 207 balls against Sri Lanka on 3 December 2009 at the Brabourne stadium in Mumbai by any batsman. Sehwag is also credited for being the only Indian to score a triple century in test cricket, with 309 against Pakistan in the First Test in Multan.
  • If that was not enough, Virender Sehwag also holds the distinction of being one of four batsmen in the world of cricket to have ever surpassed 300 twice in test cricket and the exclusive one to score two triple centuries and take a five-wicket innings haul.
  • Most Test runs in a single day by an Indian. Sehwag made 257 in a day against SA in Chennai. He surpassed this in making 284 in a day against Sri Lanka.
  • Fastest century in ODI cricket by an Indian - 100 runs off 60 balls against New Zealand in 2009
  • Two consecutive double century partnerships in a Test innings. He achieved this record, for the first two wickets in Chennai on 27–28 March 2008 (with Wasim Jaffer and Rahul Dravid respectively). This was the first time in Test history that the first two wickets in an innings have resulted in double-century stands.
  • Sehwag took 134 Test innings to reach 7000 Test runs, becoming the second fastest to do so after Englishman Wally Hammond.
  • He holds the record for consecutive test hundreds converted to scores of 150+, at 11.
- By Mandar Kelkar

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Brian Lara : The Prince of Cricket

Brian Charles Lara may have left the cricket ground to the delight of bowlers but his name is still rated very highly by all cricket lovers. The reasons - endless!

Brian Lara is the only player in the world ever to have scored a hundred, a double century, a triple century, a quadruple century, and a quintuple century in the first class games.
Not only this, Lara still holds the record for most runs in an over in test format when he scored 28 runs off an over by Robin Peterson of South Africa in 2003. Sir Donald Bradman, the legendary Australian batsman, rated Lara and Sachin Tendulkar (India) as two of the best he has ever seen in modern times, which is a great feat for this humble batsman.

The list of record associated with this stylish West Indian batsman goes on and on - he has the highest individual score in both first-class cricket and Test cricket (501 not out for Warwickshire against Durham in 1994 and 400 not out for the West Indies against England in 2004, respectively). Born on 2 May 1969, this left-handed batsman was even good with the ball with his right-arm leg-break deliveries.

Awarded the Wisden Leading Cricketer in the World awards in 1994 and 1995, Brian Lara rewrote cricket record books with his never-say-die approach, unmatched talent, and determination. Popularly nicknamed as “The Prince of Port of Spain” or simply “The Prince”, Lara announced his retirement on 19 April 2007. When retired, Lara had played 131 tests and 299 one-day internationals and scored 11, 953 runs and 10, 405 runs, respectively.